Weatherproof Protection For Homes
Weatherproof Protection For Homes
Weatherproof your home and save on energy bills with our specialist coatings. When a roof or wall becomes wet this is a key factor for energy loss. Tests show that a damp content of just 5% on a roof or wall can lower its insulation performance resulting in higher energy bills.
By keeping roofs and walls dry with our super-hydrophobic coatings, your property will be more energy efficient reducing heat loss by up to 30%.
Our specialist coatings penetrate deep into the substrate creating a self-cleaning, waterproof, insulation barrier, reducing heat loss and improving thermal efficiency. Up to 25-year Protection for your home.
Energy-saving coatings, the only coatings in the UK to receive accreditations from the Energy Savings Trust and The Energy Efficiency Association for its insulating properties.